Accursed Lands Wiki

The goal of the AL Tomes project is to produce actual novels based on events that occurred at Accursed Lands, which is an "Online Interactive Novel" based in a fantasy world.

The source material for the novels must come from in game logs, though they can be heavily edited, and submitted as a collection of various short stories which will form the chapters.  Ideally the stories or chapters will be interrelated.  

The editor must have a section in the Tome stating specifically what categories of edits they did.  For example:  

  1. At several points in the tome, I edited out travelling through many rooms, and replaced this with an actual written paragraph describing what was happening.
  2. When someone made an obviously unintentional typo, this was corrected.

You cannot edit in something that did not actually happen in game, unless, of course, that your character was out of touch with reality and imagining it, then this should be made clear to the reader at some point, at least in innuendo.

You must edit out anything that is OOC information.

The submitters may have a dedication page in their tome, in which they can list anyone they wish to thank, including other games they have enjoyed role-playing on.

The tome will be submitted as a pdf file.  It is suggested that the 6x9 size format be used as this is a popular format since the publishing costs are lower, but this is up to the author.

The tome should meet all mandatory criteria required for publishing, except for the finishing touches such as cover design, ISBN, bar codes.  Once the tome is completed and submitted, these can be added in a separate step.  A copyright page will be added, that copyrights the Tome either to the author of the tome, or to AL, at the author's discretion.  If the tome is copyrighted to AL, then AL may pay for the publishing costs, and will get all future profits from sales of the tome to put towards hosting costs.  If the author copyrights themselves, they keep all profits, but will have to pay for publishing costs themselves.  They will also have to mention that the material came from AL and list the web site address somewhere in the tome.

The tome should also meet minimum page requirements to be published by an online publisher.  A typical example is 80 pages for a 6x9 book.  If this is not possible, then the author can still consent to have their tome merged with other tome submissions, and become co-authors of the new merged tome.  Otherwise, the author can re-submit when they have more material.  Here is a chart which shows some accepted lengths for various books:

You can design and add a cover if you wish, so long as the images used can be legally used as they are either purchased or not under copyright.  Otherwise cover design and other steps required for publishing will be done later on.

Images may also be used in the tome if they comply with the mandatory publishing criteria and can also be legally used.  Images posted on AL's web site which were not under copyright before they were posted here can be legally used as these are the property of AL.
